Light Your Candles, Grab Your Hot Drink & Buckle Up For Adventure

girl reads & closes book gif

Oh, hi there! Wait a minute, I just have to finish this chapter. … *shuts book* Okay, now I’m all yours. Forgive my rudeness, but, since you’ve found my blog, I have hope you understand.

Let’s start anew, shall we? Hi, I’m Rosi 🙂 and welcome to my blog of fictional adventure. What nonsense is that lady spouting, you ask? Oh well, this is a safe space for all of the bookworms out there. Young and old, tall or short, fantasy-lovers and hopeless romantics, all are welcome here!

Although, I’ll have to warn you the books you will find reviewed on this site are mostly underappreciated works which are in need of a little more love. You won’t find a lot of hyped novels on here (aside from a few exceptions). You will, however, be surprised how many genres I’ll dive into. Are you a nerd for all things sci-fi or more of a wanna be detective ready to solve the next thrilling case? No matter, come back here every Friday for new reviews!

Now, without further ado, let’s kick back and read some good books, shall we? *reopens novel* And don’t forget your hot drink! 😉

girl cheers with mug, takes sip and opens book gif