Everything You Need To Know About Invaded by Melissa Landers

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Hold up! Are you looking for the suspenseful YA Sci-fi sequel of AlienatedScroll for an honest review of Invaded by Melissa Landers and enjoy! 

The book cover of Invaded by Melissa Landers

Title: Invaded

Author: Melissa Landers

Pages: 356 (paperback)

Narration: 3rd person dual point of view (Aelyx and Cara)

Genres: Young Adult, Science Fiction

Installment: Book 2 in the Alienated Trilogy

Tropes: Interspecies Romance

With Aelyx back on Earth, trying to improve human-L’eihr relations, in the hopes of restoring the now tedious alliance between the two planets, Cara is left to fend for herself on L’eihr. She knew life would be an adjustment, but never guessed to what extent. When the hostility of the alien clones aka her new classmates reaches a new level and the colony is different from what she envisioned, Cara wonders whether she can find happiness there. Meanwhile, on Earth, Aelyx has to dodge assassination attempts left and right and wants nothing more than to leave the xenophobic planet behind and start a new life on the colony with his l’ihan. But what will come of the alliance?

The Struggle is Real

Invaded describes the struggle of exchange-student-life on a whole new level as we follow Cara’s struggles on L’eihr. Of course, Aelyx suffered from xenophobia and cultural differences in Alienated, but he was driven by his goal to end the alliance. While Cara only really wanted to travel to L’eihr to be with her l’ihan. Her bravery and perseverance are fascinating. Had I been in Cara’s shoes, I would have bawled my eyes out a thousand times.

Lacking Emotion

Aelyx has a lot to fight in this one as well. His best friend just died, Syrine betrayed him, Cara is lightyears away and there are countless attempts on his life. Personally, I felt his grief for Eron was lacking. If I remember correctly, it was hardly ever mentioned. I understood that he had hardly time to react to Eron’s death in the first book (short of vomiting) because he was on the run from humans. However, there was enough time and space for his grief and guilt in book 2, but it never really happened.

Nonetheless, this book is still as addictive and unputdownable as the first. Not to mention that the ending will leave you guessing about what happens in book 3.


Interested in reading Invaded by Melissa Landers now? You can buy a copy here: Thalia |Amazon USA