Book Review: The Mapmaker’s Apprentice by C. J. Archer

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The Mapmaker’s Apprentice is the second book in the Glass and Steele series. You can read my spoiler free review of the first book here. If you read The Watchmaker’s Daughter and are unsure whether to read the second book as well keep on scrolling 😉 !

Book cover of the Mapmaker's Apprentice: hand holding a green and yellow globe with a street at nighttime in the background

Title: The Mapmaker’s Apprentice

Author: C. J. Archer

Pages: 305 (eBook)

Point of View: 1st person (India Steele)

Genre(s): Steampunk

Installment: Book 2 in the Glass and Steele series

Trope(s): Office Love (Employer and Employee)

When a mapmaker’s apprentice goes missing, who also happens to be the commissioner’s son, Mr. Glass is asked to take on the case. With the hunt for the magical watchmaker still on and the Watchmakers’ Guild’s continuous wariness towards India, they’ve got their hands full. Not to forget the numerous eligible women Miss Glass is trying to present Matthew. As well as more magicians popping up during their investigations during which the two of them have to act as a married couple. Will they find the young mapmaker unharmed? In the second book of Archer’s series, time is once more of the essence.


“Trying to stay mad at you is like trying to make clock hands go backwards.” “Impossible?” “No, actually it is possible, but it’s pointless. Why would anyone want to do such a thing?”

Group dynamic

Whereas the relationship between India and the others (especially Matthew) was uncertain in most of the first book, it is delightful to see how they’re acting as if India has always been a part of their small group now. I am glad that the apprehension has leveled off to loyalty and comfort. There still is quite the amount of quarrels in The Mapmaker’s Apprentice, but it purely is the dynamic of the group. I would have been sad to see it go anyway, as constant harmony wouldn’t be considerably befitting.

Picture of a girl, dressed in green skirt and white crop top, holding The Mapmaker's Apprentice (eBook)

Exquisite romance

India and Matt must be one of my all-time favorite couples (without being a couple that is). 😉 Their attraction is palpable in its subtlety and boldness at once. *dreamy sigh* They are precious. At this point, I am sure if anyone was aware of their touching in real life, back then, they would have to be married by now. I have mentioned this in the first review, but the tension between them is exquisite and it seems to only heighten with every book. I feel like jealousy is on the rise with Matt’s aunt constantly playing matchmaker though. 

simply addicting

There is so much happening in The Mapmaker’s Apprentice, my head is reeling a little writing this. Reading this in one sitting surely was not helpful, but it captured me so completely I simply had no choice. We get to know so much new and fascinating magic, grow our hatred for Abercrombie some more, laugh with Willie and the others, and swoon when India and Matt share one of their moments. I devoured this book at once and am inclined to think it will not change for book 3 in the series.

Did I succeed to make you want for this book as much as I did? You can buy it here: Thalia | Amazon USA

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