Hi, there

Welcome to my blog! I’m Rosi and I love all things bookish.

If you are looking for your next book to read, but are clueless when it comes to picking one that is worth your time and money, you’ve come to the right place. I read and review novels so you can pick your next favorite story without wasting precious time. I mostly focus on books that are underrated and are in need of a little love. However, whether you want to travel through space or want to find the boy or girl of your dreams, I’ve got recommendations for every genre from sci-fi and YA to fantasy, horror and historical fiction. A new post goes up every Friday so keep a look out. 😉 And…

Discover Your Next Read To Escape Reality!

Fun Facts

  • I read books to escape reality
  • I’m excellent at procrastinating
  • I’m a book hoarder but have made a promise to myself this year to read more of my To Be Read books before buying new ones
  • The novels adorning my shelves are almost 50/50 read and To Be Read
  • Books are my babies and if I allow you to borrow or even hold one, it’s a major vote of confidence
  • The country that I most adore is Scotland
  • If I see you out on the street walking your dog, I will come up to you and ask to pet them 100%

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